Aster Textile sees its employees as its most valuable asset. As such, Aster’s primary OHS goal is minimising the potential for accident and ensuring continuous improvement by forming a safe working environment. All necessary precautions are taken to ensure occupational health and safety. All required tools and equipment maintained and ready to use.

Aster has adopted the following principles to create and maintain a “health” and “safety” working environment:

  • Conducting its business activities in accordance with internationally accepted standards and legal and regulatory requirements for occupational health and safety;
  • Taking necessary precautions by proactively identifying risks in the working environment;
  • Planning and implementing activities to ensure continuous improvement in the working environment;
  • Raising awareness among all its employees and business partners on relevant health and safety topics, encouraging competent stakeholders in that area.

In line with these principles, “Occupational Health and Business Safety” training programs are periodically conducted each year to all existing employees as well as new hires as soon as they start to work at Aster. Health and safety issues are assessed monthly with the Occupational Health and Business Safety Board; relevant items and areas in need of improvement are determined.

Aster Textile acts as a responsible corporate citizen in relation to current occupational health and safety issues, information and public concerns. Aster commits to developing a strong health and safety culture as well as improving OHS standards working in collaboration with all its stakeholders.